Quick Details
Meeting point: 65207 Wiesbaden-Rambach / end of Trompeterstrasse / corner of Adolf Reichwein School car park / Rambach sports ground / start of forest nature trail
Included in the tour fee: Themed tour
The minimum number of participants is 10.
Additional dates, group appointments or corporate events are available on request.
Please note that there is a handling fee for processing your booking and printing your ticket immediately as print@home.
€ 20
6-12 years
€ 5
About the tour
Honey buzzard, Aesculapian snake, nuthatch, copper beech, European larch, common spruce… a unique variety of trees and animals can be discovered in Wiesbaden’s city forest. Its size is almost a quarter of the entire city area – 44 m². It has been awarded the international environmental seal of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Naturland guidelines, which are awarded for particularly careful forest management.
Forests are complex ecosystems. If their resources are optimally utilised, they are the most productive land ecosystem. After the oceans, our forests are the most important factor influencing the global climate. They reduce carbon dioxide and are the most important oxygen producers. Forests thus have a balancing effect on the global balance of matter. The species richness of the forest is an invaluable gene pool.
What is special about the Wiesbaden city forest? Are there different types of forest there? How do we use the wood? What animals live here and which ones can we discover? What do the markings on the trees mean? Is hunting allowed, and if so, who? How do we protect the animals in the forest? What is happening with regard to climate change? Are tree and animal species dying out? Are new tree and animal species coming?
And what does a forester actually do? The profession originated in the 18th century and developed from hunting and forest management. Is she/he constantly out and about in the forest? Does she/he know all the animals in the forest?
Let a forestry expert from our Wiesbaden city forest take you and your children into the secret of our forest – an exciting and stimulating guided tour where you can ask the questions that have always occurred to you during a walk in the forest!
In cooperation with the Wiesbaden city forest
Until the day before the tour
We walk in all weathers. In case of persistent bad weather, the walk will be shortened as far as possible. In foreseeable extreme weather conditions, the tour will be cancelled by email/phone to all participants up to 1.5 h before the start of the tour.